child sex trafficking

One in ten children are sexually abused before the age of 18. 


To rescue victims of sex trafficking, especially children, out of their slavery and give them the resources they need to live free and fulfilling lives.

One in ten children are sexually abused before the age of 18. Each victim and survivor we have met or worked with had been sexually abused as a child. Abuse usually is done by a family member or known associate of the family. Too often abuse is overlooked and when a police report is made it is common for the child to recant because of fear tactics. We will not let these children be silenced any longer. We need to talk about this issue in our churches and schools. We need to teach children boundaries and how to say no and allow them a safe place to get help. This is key,as many parents or school officials may not respond the correct way the first time. Please consider having Monica and her team come and speak to your church, group, or school. It’s happening, and we need to address it. As one survivor of child sex trafficking stated, “no one came looking because I never went missing.”

Child abuse, exploitation and trafficking are often hidden issues which are difficult to identify. Many children don’t tell anyone what is happening to them, or even realize that they are being abused or exploited.

Kids keep secrets, please talk to them.

Here are some helpful links:

Talking to your kids about sexual abuse →

Talking to your kids about sexual assault →

kidsmartz →