

Contact Monica

If you are interested in joining any of the outreach team or want to start a strip club outreach in your area please contact Monica at


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Strip Club and Brothel Outreach

Brothels, also known as an illicit Massage Businesses, are hidden in plain sight where buyers go to purchase sex acts. Every month, AOL takes teams to local strip clubs and brothels across the United States. They bring food and a nice gift (name brand make up and toiletries). Many women are surprised to get such a nice gift for free. Many haven’t eaten for days and are so grateful for the food.  The food and gifts open the doors and soften their hearts to receive Jesus. We develop relationships with these women and offer hope and a way out.

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Addiction and Behavioral Health Hospital

Each week AOL sends a team member to the addiction hospital and holds a Bible study. Many victims of sexual abuse and sex trafficking go through detox and addiction programs under the radar. Our goal is to catch them before they fall further through the cracks and offer rescue. 


Juvenile Detention Center

AOL is in the beginning process of a Bible study at the juvenile detention center. This is an opportunity for prevention and intervention. Many of these children are sexually abused and are being trafficked. What an opportunity to bring them hope and a way out before they have lost their entire childhood! 

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Prayer and Intercession

The prayer and intercession team commits to at least two hours a week in prayer for AOL, its members and partners. They lift up the outreaches and anything the Lord brings up to intercede about. The intercessors go before the team members during outreaches, they prepare the way and go to war. We have seen such fruit during outreaches, in the lives of our partners, in the lives of our team members personally, as well as nationally, concerning trafficking busts and laws because of this team. 

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Power Evangelism Training

Monica Satcher and her team hit the streets, strip clubs and brothels boldly declaring the light of Jesus to the darkest of places. They have seen women saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit, delivered from devils and demonic oppression, homosexuality, sexual abuse, and addiction. They have experienced the Glory of God fall in a strip club dressing room so powerfully that every dancer was saved and under the power of God, speaking in tongues. If you’re ready to make this kind of impact, whether in strip clubs or in your community, Monica can train your group to be effective and make a difference. (Outreaches do not have to be directed towards sex trafficking; AOL can help you start any type of outreach)

Invite Monica to teach on Holy Spirit Led Evangelism, it will change your life and set you ablaze. The Lord has taught Monica strategic ways to go to the hard places, how to develop the gifts that are given to the church, and how to partner with the Holy Spirit.

Contact Monica for more information info@jamessatcher.com