
Our outreach teams currently go to several dozen strip clubs and brothels in 5 counties across the United States and reach several hundred women EVERY MONTH. The average cost for us to operate is approximately $15 per girl reached. Any gift amount makes a difference and helps us GO. 

THANK YOU partners for sending us. We cannot do it without you.

Make checks payable to:

PO Box 110081
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?
— Romans 10:14-15



$15 to sponsor one girl for outreach

It costs approximately $15 per girl we reach each month. That includes all outreach costs, food and gifts. We reach 230 women every month. 
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Elite Monthly


The below sponsorships are only available until they are all filled.  With each sponsorship, you will get the name of the club you sponsor and updates about the girls we reach there, along with testimonies. We ask that you pray for the club, the management, the men who buy, and the girls who are working. 

$100 to sponsor one brothel

We currently go to 32 brothels every month. These are disguised as massage or aroma therapy businesses but women are being trafficked there. Women in the sex industry experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at rates equivalent to veterans of combat war. There are more than 9,000 illicit massage businesses operating in America. They exist in every single state and revenues for these businesses total approximately $2.5 billion a year. Sex trafficking overall  nets over 90 billion dollars each year. 

$500 to sponsor one strip club

We currently go to nine strip clubs every month. Strip clubs are used to traffic women, for pimps to recruit, and for pimps to start underage girls in the business. There are over 4,000 strip clubs in the United States with revenues of $3.1 Billion. Up to 66% to 90% of strippers experienced sexual abuse as a child and over 40% struggle with addiction. One study found that 35% of strippers have Multiple Personality Disorder, 55% had Borderline Personality Disorder, and 60% had Major Depressive Episodes.

*Sources: Rainn, Polaris Project, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Adult Video News Media Network . "The Erotic Economy" by Angelina Spencer, Association of Club Executives

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