It all started when…

Monica grew up in church but went astray after losing her father to cancer when she was 15 years old. She began hanging with the wrong crowd, doing drugs, and became a stoner. On 4/20 of 2002 she went to a women’s retreat with her mom’s church and got radically delivered and on fire for Christ. She never looked back.

As a new Christian, Monica was eager to grow in her faith but struggled with her bold and outgoing personality, which made some people uncomfortable. She began seeking God to help her “tame her boldness.” She sought God's guidance on how to “tame her boldness,” and one Sunday at the altar, the pastor came up to her, not knowing her struggle, and gave her a word from the Lord. God said, “I have created you bold for a reason! It is that boldness that will go into dark places! It is that boldness that will raise the dead! It is that boldness that will heal the sick!” This revelation gave Monica confidence in who God made her to be.

Monica graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center and met her husband, James, on a mission trip to Peru. They fell in love and were married a few short months later. Monica and James pastored together until they answered the call to full-time missions in 2010 following the earthquake in Haiti. They saw over 85,000 people come to salvation, planted three churches, and provided Christmas for hundreds of orphans. In 2016, James was called by the Lord to run for office, and Monica was given a vision to bring the gospel to women who were being exploited.

She founded Acts of Love Ministries, which has reached over 6,000 women in the sex industry and helped hundreds of them start a new life. She and her team have seen miracles in strip clubs and massage parlors, including deaf ears being opened, tumors disappearing, and hearts being healed.

Monica homeschools her six children while working full-time in the ministry. She travels to raise awareness on sex trafficking and train on child safety. Monica ministers the word in churches and conferences with boldness in churches and conferences.  She is passionate about souls and is unapologetic in her boldness, bringing the light of the gospel to the darkest places. She often says, "I'd offend someone to heaven before I comfort them in hell.