Make a Difference

Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
— Matthew 18:19

Acts of Love is growing, and we need your help. We currently go on outreach every month to four counties reaching over 230 women exploited in the sex industry with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Join the Fight!! Join us on the front lines and help us be a light in the dark. We are believing for $5000 a month and 100 new monthly partners. One way you can get involved is by sponsoring a girl. It costs $15 per girl reached every month. Some sponsor one and some sponsor several. Ask God what He would have you do. Don’t forget to name your seed so you know what you planted and then expect a harvest, we will stand with you in agreement. Acts of Love is good ground; we have had testimony after testimony of quick, bountiful harvests.